
Write CSV files onto SD Card Storage

Page history last edited by Will 13 years, 7 months ago

This example shows how to create a CSV file on removable storage in Android. CSV files are a convenient storage format for data to be easily viewed in programs like Excel or OpenOffice.


In this example, my goal is to create a CSV file having the following text:


FirstParam SecondParam ThirdParam
0.31 5.2 7
0.31 5.2 7.1
0.31 5.2 7.2


Add this code to open a new file called "mydata.csv" on the SD card:

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import android.os.Environment;



FileWriter writer;


File root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
File gpxfile = new File(root, "mydata.csv");


Use this routine to write the csv headers:

private void writeCsvHeader(String h1, String h2, String h3) throws IOException {
   String line = String.format("%s,%s,%s\n", h1,h2,h3);


Use this routine to write CSV values to the file:

private void writeCsvData(float d, float e, float f) throws IOException {  
  String line = String.format("%f,%f,%f\n", d, e, f);


Write the header and data lines like this:

try {

        writer = new FileWriter(gpxfile);


} catch (IOException e) {


Quick note: adding "f" to the end of the constant number above tells Java you explicitly want to pass the value as a float, instead of a double.


Don't forget to close the file:




FirstParam SecondParam ThirdParam
0.31 5.2 7  
0.31 5.2 7.1  
0.31 5.2 7.2  

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