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TripleWide ExtenderShield X

Page history last edited by Nick 14 years, 4 months ago


For more advanced projects, sometimes connecting 2 shields together isn’t enough. Quite a few people have written in over the past few months asking for a TripleWide, so here it is. The catch is that it’s also a “X” edition, which means it works with the Arduino or the Illuminato. It pins out and replicates each of the Illuminato pins 3 times over, so three shields can be wired up side by side.




  • 6.3in tall x 2.7in wide
  • 162mm tall x 69mm wide
  • Arduino and Illuminato replicated mounting holes
  • Arduino and Illuminato replicated plated through-holes
  • Solderable dev area




  • Here’s a video of Mike showing off the TripleWide normal (non-X) – this will look just like that, except have twice the row of headers along each side


Made possible by the Open Source Hardware Bank


Normally, this shield would cost someone about $75-90 apiece to make even just 1 of them. It doesn’t even start to get reasonable (for me personally) until about 25 are made. So the Open Source Hardware Bank is going to fund building twice however many are made.


In the meantime, if 50 of these get pre-bought or built by May 3rd (you can keep track by going here), then I’ll use the money to build them. If not enough are pre-built by May 3rd, Mike and I will refund the Paypal transaction. -Buy 1 – a plain old “pre-order” for 1 TripleWide X (at cost + 15% margin)


-Buy 1, Build 1 – pre-order 1 TripleWide X, plus fund the production (at cost) of one more that gets resold. When it sells, I’ll send you the money for that TripleWide X, which includes cost +15% margin. So it’s like getting one TripleWide X at cost.


-Buy 1, Build 2 – pre-order 1 TripleWide X, plus fund the production (at cost) of two more that get resold. When the two sell, I’ll send you the money for those TripleWide X, which includes cost +15% margin. It’s like getting one TripleWide X at cost, and then an additional 15%, which should cover the cost shipping to most places in the US.


-Buy 1, Build 3 – This is the same as Buy 1-Build 2, except with 3 builds. This was made a popular request for guys over seas who wanted to be able to offset shipping a little more.

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