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Sensor Base

Page history last edited by sarith.ong@liquidware.com 12 years ago


I found myself putting together the same components to run combos of the sensor modules, so I thought it might make sense to make it a “base” kit.

The Sensor Base has all the key ingredients to get the sensors up and running quickly. It comes with an Arduino Duemilanove, a HiCap Backpack, and a DoubleWide ExtenderShield that make up the backbone. Then 2 mini protoboards, 3 3-pin extension wires and 2 6-pin extension wires get everything connected right out of the box. A 6-in Type B standard USB cable completes the pack.

The Sensor Base makes the sensor modules plug-and-play, and once programmed, the entire unit is portable, easy to mount onto any mobile or on-board projects where I need to collect some information.











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