

Page history last edited by mike 8 years ago

 Antipasto Hardware Wiki

Open Source Hardware at Liquidware Engineering


This is my new Open Source Hardware wiki with source code pages, references, tutorials for all my open source projects. My blog is over here. I'll try to keep it up to date with source code, references, specs, and cheatsheets. I have no right of authorship, so I'm happy to have anyone edit or overwrite anything... especially if it's better source code :-)


Embedded Operating Systems

Operating systems designed for high-performance embedded hardware



Android (Amber)            

Android (Ambrosia)                      Angstrom (Linux)


Android Hardware

The Android operating system can be used to rapid prototype sophisticated graphical user interfaces. Here is hardware I created to help develop Android applications. 

Android Ultimate Pro Kit
Pro Gadget Pack 

Android DIY Starter Kit

Android Hardware Development Environment 

Android Boot SD Card

Android Hardware Development Kit

Android Virtual IDE

Android Ambrosia SD Card

Dual-Core Android 4 Dev Kit    


BeagleBoard Modules

The BeagleBoard is an open source, single-board computer built on TI’s OMAP3 ARM processor line. Small, low-power, and high-performance, the versatile BeagleBoard fits a wide variety of embedded systems applications. Here are some modules I've built to rapid prototype with...


BeagleBoard C4


Beagleboard xM BeagleMod

Beaglejuice 2

BeagleBoard Recovery Disk Wireless G USB Adapter 
BeagleBoot SD Card 



The PandaBoard is a one-of-a-kind, low cost, open mobile hardware development platform that enables fast, easy and highly extensible developments. The PandaBoard is the first open mobile platform based on the Texas Instruments' OMAP4 line processors. 


  PandaBoard ES                                                                   



Physical computing means interacting with the real world, measuring and logging information with sensors

3-axis Accelerometer Module    Dual Axis Gyro Module                         Stress Test Pack                                                                                   
AMBI Light Sensor  Field Diagnostic Rig    Temp Sensor 
Compass Module  Navigation Rig    Wind Sensor 

Crash Test Sensor

Sensor Base    Humidity Sensor 


Arduino Shields

The Arduino is an Open Source Hardware device that a lot of people use to hack and program. These are some modules and shields that I've built or built projects with ...

TouchShield Slide 

TouchShield Stealth                                                                          



Display and Input Shields

Add user interface modules to create more complex gadgets









Lithium battery modules provide rechargeable power and extended battery life to your Arduino gadget

Lithium Backpack
Mega Backpack  



Network modules that add wired and wireless connectivity

Ethernet Shield     

Arduino XBee Shield                          

WiNet Kit 



Modules that provide shield expansion capability to core modules

DoubleWide ExtenderShield

DoubleTall ExtenderShield

TripleWide ExtenderShield X

Triangle Extenders



Core Modules

Processor modules based on the AVR instruction architecture

Arduino Duemilanove

Illuminato Genesis

Arduino Mega

Arduino Mega 2560

Arduino Uno


Community Shields and Modules

And these are some shields and modules that are compatible with the Arduino that I didn't build, but I like to use in my projects

FlashShield 1.0
Voice Shield
WiShield 2.0


Legacy Stuff

Some older stuff that I used to use, and build, but not any more, mostly because I use or build something else

Arduino Diecimila
Basic STAMP CoreBoard  TankShield   


Illuminato X Machina

The Illuminato X Machina (Codenamed the Santa Fe Board) is a research platform to experiment with and research parallel systems


Illuminato X Machina                      
IXM Proto Cell
Weapons Grade IXM Cell
IXM Micro SD Cell         IXM Red Terminal Programmer         


Reference Books

Reference books written for the Open Source Hardware Community.


Open Source Hardware, Vol 1.






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